Running lessons

Run all levels

We train all year round regardless of the weather. However, except for the days when the authorities advise against going out.

The training varies with a good mix of both short intervals with high intensity and longer intervals with moderate intensity. And a longer ride at low intensity on Sunday.

We usually meet in Østebro Stadium, in front of Sparta Klubhuset. Sometimes we also race in other places (eg Ironman route reconnaissance).

The training is basically for everyone. And it is the goal that everyone should be able to participate, regardless of running level. However, it is not always possible for everyone to run together during the warm-up. It is assessed on the day how big the spread in the level is

The general objectives for training, for example that it should be fun, but at the same time it is important that you improve, also apply to running.

From super exercisers to beginners

In the club, we have everything from super exercisers to beginners. The training is organized (according to the objectives) so that everyone, regardless of level, can benefit from the training and improve.

As a starting point, the trainer runs at the back and ensures that no one gets lost during the warm-up

If someone wants to run faster than the group, you have to know the way yourself. The warm-up round will be explained before the start of training. This can include various collection points

If there are 2 coaches (or an experienced club member) we divide into 2 groups those who run faster than 6 min/km in the warm-up and those who run slower.

We recommend a little indulgence from the fastest runners during the warm-up, so that we stay together in 1-2 groups.

During the intervals the race is free. You run on a round, or an out/home route, which is either explained or run jointly. It is recommended that you follow the coach's instructions for the intensity during the intervals or duration run. Especially for your own sake, so that you don't train too hard too often, and thus risk overtraining or injuries.

So use your powder during the intervals and have fun with your club mates during the warm-up and jog.


Sparta-Hallen, Forehall to Østerbro stadium, Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 7, 2100 Copenhagen Ø.

It is possible to change clothes, shower and store your things in locked cupboards. Bring your own padlock. There are limited lockers, so either come early or ask your training partner if you can share a locker.

The training starts from the Stadium and typically takes us around the Fælledparken and the Stadium itself. As a change, routes and facilities in the Østerbro area are also used, e.g. Rigshospitalet's stairs, Kastellet, the beach promenade at Svanemøllen/Nordhavn, as well as Kildevældsparken.

Other places around Copenhagen – depending on the event (such as trail running, for example)

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