How to register for the club

In these guides with pictures, we show you some of the most common tasks, including registering, signing up for a training session or changing your details.

  1. How to register for the club
  2. Ordering training (booking)
  3. Find your triathlon license

1. Visit Klubmodul

The payments, the subscription and your profile are managed on our Klubmodul website.

Access it in to start the process to become a member.

2. Create a profile ✍️

Click in the upper right corner of the menu and select "Create profile".

In this form, you can provide your personal data that we need to register you, such as contact information, where you live, etc.

ATTENTION! This is easy to miss

Make sure your "username" is the same as your email in your club module profile.


You can edit it later - but make sure to set it as the same as your email to be able to log in to the booking calendar later.

3. Choose your membership type 🗂️

Once you have a profile and are logged in, you are ready to choose your subscription and pay.

You can read more about the plans on the website and in the Club Module.

The main difference is that with Premium all training and activities are included, where Basic is "pay per training". But you can read about all the differences on our website!

4. Pay… 💳

You can use a credit card or debit card for that. The payment process is completely secure, just like any online shopping.

Welcome to the club! 🎉

You will receive a welcome email confirming that the purchase was successful. Congratulations, you are now a member of /tri club denmark!

Next: book a training session!

Be sure to check the guide for booking a training session – and then you're ready to go!