How to book a training session

In these guides with pictures, we show you some of the most common tasks, including registering, signing up for a training session or changing your details.

  1. How to register for the club
  2. Ordering training
  3. Find your triathlon license

1. Log in to the calendar

Make sure you have created a profile in Club Module first.

You must use your e-mail and password from Klubmodul to register.

With them you can log in to the training calendar (desktop or mobile).

🚨 Problems accessing?

Check the following common problems:

1. Your username in Klubmodul must be your e-mail address (can be changed to Klubmodul) – Check the help on the registration help page
2. Your username must not contain ÆØÅ or strange characters such as ëé or similar (remember: your username must be your email)
3. Make sure you use the same email you used for club module to try to log in

2. Browse the calendar

Explore the different scheduled workouts for the current week and the next. You can filter by sport - and get more information.

3. Register!✍️

Once you have found a training that suits you in terms of schedule and location, register for it by confirming your attendance.

ATTENTION! We need a minimum number of people to attend the sessions.

Remember to keep it up to date: If you can't make it on time, cancel with enough time for the coaches to cancel if there aren't enough participants.

Enjoy! 🙌

On the training day, remember to arrive on time for the session (take into account commuting time for cycling and time to change for swimming).

Turn up to the session with a smile and enjoy the time with the club mates.