Pulse zones

/tri club Denmark's heart rate zones

For all our training, we use PULSE ZONES, as a measuring tool, to understand what one's starting point is under different intensities. However, we use a WATT scale for indoor spinning (INDOOR BIKE).

The primary difference between the two methods is that when measuring watts, you get a precise measurement of the effect you step on the pedals with. Whereas heart rate is an indication of how much your body is under stress. With heart rate training, it is not just about the intensity you train with, but also whether you are sick, the temperature, the humidity, how warm you are wearing clothes, how rested/tired you are. To be precise, we use the term Functional Threshold Power (FTP), which is the maximum stable Watt power a cyclist can pedal for one hour (However, we test at 20 min all-out and multiply the average Watt figure by 0.95). Watts are not the same every time, but are a direct reading of the power you pedal with. 

Since it is accurate, you can better use it to compare intervals, hill sprints, training sessions, races, etc. You also get the opportunity to see the development of your strength, which is not possible with heart rate, as it will be in the same range even if you pedal with more watts because you have become stronger. Your wattmeter gives you feedback directly opposite to your heart rate, which can easily be 10, 20 and often more than 30 seconds behind the measurement and actual heart rate.

Wattmeters on bicycles cost several thousand kroner, although prices are on the way down to a rent where more people can participate. /tri club denmark clearly recommends, if you have the means, to use a wattmeter in your training on the bike. Recently, there have also been wattmeters for running, including the products STRYD or SHFT.

The last 2 zones (5 and 6) are only rarely used in our training. Typically in a technical context. But they are included for the understanding that you can easily work at a higher intensity than VO2max. For those of you who use heart rate in your training, what the individual zones correspond to as a percentage of the heart rate reserve (The heart rate reserve is the pulse beats that lie between your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate) % of the heart rate reserve (Intensity): Working heart rate = % rate for work intensity (Max heart rate – Resting heart rate) + Resting heart rate /tri club heart rate zone calculator (e.g. enter your maximum heart rate 182 and resting heart rate 46)

Hunter Allen / Andy Coggan 7 zones

 – based on Functional Threshold Power FTP training (Tomahawk spinning bikes)

White zone

This is a very easy pace that you can maintain for hours. Often used for warming up and cooling down. When working in the white zone, it is very important that you feel the training is comfortable. The focus should not be on watts, heart rate or speed, but it should be nice. It must not be more difficult than you need to be able to hold a normal conversation.

Blue zone

Here you will start to feel that you are working. However, you must still feel that you can work here for many hours. intensity. It must still be possible to hold a conversation, albeit with more difficulty.

Green zone

Here, the intensity is increased to be able to last for a shorter time (1 – 3 hours). Greater focus is required here. The breathing is more pressured, but you will especially feel that the muscles are more the limiting factor. This intensity will clearly be the most used on all fitness dk's cycling teams.

Yellow zone

Yellow zone is an intensity you can maintain from 10-60 minutes. Training will typically take place in shorter intervals such as 2-8 min. You will have the feeling that the muscles are "burning", but not to a greater degree than if you can maintain the intensity for longer intervals. Conversation can only take place with words and not sentences.

Red zone

Red zone is short interval training. This means that you cannot sustain this intensity for more than a maximum of about 10 minutes. Intervals will primarily last 1-5 minutes, and there will be a burning sensation in the muscles. When you're doing red zone training, it's extremely important that you finish the workout feeling like you could have completed another interval. It is very important not to work too hard. Red zone are NOT all-out intervals.